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How to increase your chances of getting a job

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There are many ways to increase your chances for getting a job. Word-of-mouth is one effective way to get a job. Your chances of finding job openings are higher if you build relationships and network with people in your industry. Get involved in industry groups and reach out to your existing network to arrange lunches for making connections.

Create a personal website

It's a great way for you to showcase your skills and interests by creating a personal website. Through a personal website, you may want to share your knowledge in a particular area, such as design. Your website could be trusted by future employers as well as readers.

A personal website can help you stand out from the rest, whether you are looking for a job or just want to make your mark in the market. A personal website not only allows recruiters to see your unique skills and personality but also displays your creativity. Hiring managers may search your website before deciding whether to contact you for an interview.

Creating a LinkedIn profile

Creating a LinkedIn profile is a powerful way to make connections. You can either import existing contacts or invite friends to connect with you. It is important to upload your professional headshot. LinkedIn is a great tool to help you find work and learn about your industry. Make sure to connect with people you trust and who are able or willing to recommend you for jobs.

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Your LinkedIn summary section should contain keywords and other relevant information. It is a short summary of your profile, and it's one of the first places that recruiters look. Include information about your work experience as well as your core skills.

Reach out to your existing network

Reaching out to your existing network is one of the most important steps you can take to get a job. No matter whether you've lost your job or have been laid off you likely have people in your network who can help. Your network should be as specific and detailed as possible when you reach them. Ask your network for contacts in your field.

Although you might be tempted to rely solely on your virtual network of friends, it is best to make contact with people face-to-face. While it can be awkward to contact old friends or ask for an introduction, it is actually not very risky. If you're unable to meet them in person you can send them an email with a brief description of what you discussed. Follow up once you have their email address.

Interviewing with references

Prospective employers often ask for references when interviewing candidates for a job. While this is often the first stage in the hiring process for a job, it doesn't always guarantee that the candidate will be offered a job. Prospective employers use references to check the accuracy of a candidate's CV and cover letter. It is possible for employers to reconsider other candidates if the references do not provide positive feedback.

The reference list should contain a mixture of personal and professional contacts. This will allow the hiring manager to verify the claims that you have made in your resume and during the interview. However, remember to avoid overstating your skills or qualifications in an attempt to increase the number of references. The hiring manager will often ask references several questions. They will typically check to see how long the reference has known the candidate and what he or she can tell about the applicant's work history.

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Maintaining your LinkedIn profile updated

LinkedIn is the largest online community for professionals. Therefore, it is crucial to make sure your LinkedIn profile is up-to date and accurately represents your professional brand. LinkedIn is often visited by recruiters every day in order to learn more about potential candidates. Keep your profile current to show recruiters you're a persistent learner who is consistent in your career choices.

Also, ensure that your LinkedIn work history is current. When you change the details on your work history, be aware that your connections will see it. If your connections see the changed details, they may assume you're moving onto a new position. Therefore, it is best to keep the changes minimal.

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How to increase your chances of getting a job