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How to prepare for an interview

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How to prepare for an interview when you are applying to a job with a company. The interview is an opportunity for you to display your skills and learn more about the company. This article will discuss how to dress for success, how to research the company and follow-up questions.

STAR method

The STAR approach to interview preparation involves structuring your answers with relevant anecdotes. Since you never know what the interviewer may ask, you need to prepare stories that cover the different types of questions you will encounter. One example is when the interviewer asks you to describe a time in which you solved a problem or worked with others.

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Dressing professionally

Dressing well can make all the difference when you interview for a job. Your appearance can reflect how knowledgeable you are about the job and how serious you are. Dressing well will allow potential employers to focus on your abilities.

Research the company

The best way to increase your chances of landing a job is by researching the company you're interviewing with. This can give you a better understanding of the company's history, products, global reach, and other information. In addition, it can help you get a feel for the company's culture and ethos. The best place to start your research is the company website, especially the 'About Us' section. Additional information may be available from the company's social media profiles.

The art of telling a story

It's a great way of preparing for an interview. How can you craft a story to grab the attention of an interviewer? The key to a compelling story is to be concise and straight to the point. Remember that interviewers are likely to be short on time and have short attention spans. Therefore, your goal is to write a story that is two to three pages long. Your story should focus on metrics and actions and end with a wrap-up that connects back to the interviewer.

Avoid distractions

Interview preparation is only possible if you avoid distractions. It doesn't have to be complicated. You could leave your smartwatch at the car and bring your sunglasses. These things can distract and make a bad impression. You should also turn off your phone during conversations, as notifications from your phone can distract you. These distractions can make your appearance unprepared and unprofessional and could even cost you your job.

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Write a thank-you note

It is important to prepare for an interview by writing a thank-you note. It should be concise and reiterate your interest in the job. It should also be persuasive about you as a potential candidate. Here are some tips to make sure your thank you note stands out from the rest.

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How to prepare for an interview