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Career change from teaching to tutoring

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It can be rewarding to change your career from teaching. You can travel the world, and rekindle your passion for the profession. Empowering Ex Pat Teachers is a great example of an organisation that is transforming the way ex-pat teachers live and work abroad. Others have found success in other occupations, such as Lucy Alexandra who quit teaching to set up a private tutoring company and now travels the world providing one-to-one tuition.


You may find it rewarding to change your career from teaching to tutoring. You may be worried about the negative consequences of leaving the classroom. You could lose your benefits such as annualized salary, school holidays, social protection, and other benefits. There are other ways to make a decent income while still being an educator.

It is a great choice if you want to make a decent salary and still have flexibility. Homeschooling is becoming more popular, so there is an increased demand for private tutors. Moreover, a career in tutoring is one of the most flexible part-time jobs for teachers. This allows you to pick your clients and make your own schedule.

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Instructional design

Instructional design is a field where curriculum designers create materials that help people learn. They also create materials that can be enjoyed. These materials make learning easier and more enjoyable. You don't even need a masters degree to enter this field. However, instructional design and teaching are two different things.

It is essential to have a professional resume before applying for an instructional designer job. In order to show that you are interested in developing curriculum and using technology to solve problems, your resume should be written.

Social work

Social work requires a master's degree. For this career, you will need to earn an MSW degree. Use field internships to network with other students.

Remember that you will need to adapt to a new work environment when changing careers. There is a good chance that you will feel nervous and intimidated at first, but with enough time, you will feel more comfortable. Once you are more comfortable, you'll be happy you did the move.

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If you're looking for a career change from teaching, you have many choices to make. There are traditional programs in the early childhood, elementary and middle grades, as well as programs that can specialize in teaching reading and special education. Many educators realize that their current careers aren't fulfilling their potential and wish to explore new avenues to increase their impact on the world.

Education is a great career choice for those seeking a flexible schedule. But supply and demand play a major role in finding a teaching position. While it can be difficult to find a position if you want it, there are many resources online to help you find a job that fits your skills and interests. Basic certification is an essential step in your career change journey. Basic certification is required for most public and private schools. Additionally, many states require prospective teachers take Praxis series tests. There are also certified teacher training programs at your local college.


Career change from teaching to tutoring