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How to Express Your Desire to Get Promotion

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If you want to get promoted, it's a good idea not to interrupt the flow of business. Management may not be aware of your desire for a promotion. Management needs to see your potential by being humble, smart, hungry, diligent, intelligent and a good listener. Finally, you need to have a natural desire to do the best job possible. The most important thing is your work ethic. This is more important than skills and experience. Superiors are more likely to trust employees who take pride and work hard.

Taking initiative

There are many reasons that you might not have the ability to take control of your career. One reason is your lack or ambition. Perhaps you are content with doing what is expected of you, or you feel like you're the victim and don't speak up. If you lack initiative, it could be due to lack of interest, shyness or self-sabotage. Other reasons may include being overworked or overstretched.

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Tell your boss that you are available

Show your boss that you are ready to move up in your career. Make your boss's job easier. Ask your supervisor to prescreen resumes and/or volunteer to take on a project. Your boss will be impressed that you are willing to take on a larger job. Whether it's the first time you've applied for a promotion, dressing for it shows that you're ready to move up.

Communicating with your boss

A promotion is something you should request if you believe you are deserving. Regular communication with your boss is the best way for you to do this. Whether you choose to communicate in person or via email, you should show that you are willing to work hard for the company. No matter your preference, speak to your boss about the next steps for obtaining the promotion you desire. Surprised at the impact that a response can have on your chances of getting promoted?

Making it easier for your boss

Your boss is your only guide, so make it easy for them. This will mean you'll succeed, too. Know your boss' priorities, performance measurement and goals. Your boss will be more productive if you listen to your concerns and then resolve them. You can also set milestones or deadlines to help you measure your progress. Don't compliment your boss too often or with insincere praise.

Find the person who could give you a promotion

Companies reward those who are able to motivate and lead a team. You may be tempted to brag about yourself in an effort to receive a promotion, but remember to acknowledge the efforts of your coworkers. You will be able to recognize your coworkers and they will return the favor. You will receive recognition and a promotion in return. Be sure to approach them with trust.

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Requesting a promotion

It is important to present a compelling case before you approach your boss for a promotion. Review your achievements and quantify them, pointing out how they will benefit the company. Next, explain how these accomplishments are beneficial for the company and to your boss. This case cannot be ignored, so don't rush it. Asking for a promotion should not be an intimidating prospect. Here are some tips that will make it easy.

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How to Express Your Desire to Get Promotion