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Workplace Leadership: Getting ahead

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You are not the only one stuck in a rut or struggling to make it in the workplace. Life can be unpredictable, hard and extremely unstable. But you can make your own life better by finding and maintaining a great job. Even if you've been struggling for years, you can make your life better by taking control of your destiny.

Build a platform for you

While it's easy to build a platform for your business, it's not always straightforward. You need to make it relevant, valuable, and effective. This is not difficult but you need to be extremely focused. If you want to build a successful platform, you need to be clear about your vision and the way you are going to share it.

Understanding your platform's overall picture and who your target audience are is essential. It is essential to understand your audience so that you can reach them and build a platform to meet their needs. Venture capitalists are essential for startup entrepreneurs.

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You can also publish a book or a whitepaper, as well as write blog posts. This is another way to create a platform. Writing on controversial topics can be detrimental to your career. You can also publish a book to show your leadership skills.

Being coachable

Being coachable in the 21st century is more than just being a good listener. It's about being open and responsive to feedback and taking action. If you're coachable you will be open to receiving feedback from others as a valuable tool for improving yourself and your work.

Learning new things takes work, and being coachable means being willing to push yourself to the limits of your comfort zone. The key to not taking feedback personally is to not accept it. It's about challenging your self and striving toward greatness. This is a difficult process that takes courage but it's well worth it.

Being coachable means being 100% accountable. It is not a good idea to make excuses. They are just an excuse to give the boss the easy way out. Working in a company for long periods of time can lead to an ego. You might be unable to admit that you don't know enough or have a flawed process. Ego can also stop you from seeing new developments in the industry.

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Avoiding drama

A key skill to success is the ability to avoid workplace drama. Employers will be less likely tangled up in workplace drama if they are shown respect and accountability. Employees who feel connected are more productive and creative. They also tend to be less likely lash out in frustration. This approach takes a commitment to total transparency and a clear sense of values and goals.

Avoid arguing with your coworker if they are being too harsh. It's better to have a conversation with the person you are concerned than engage in lengthy emails. A chain of angry emails can quickly escalate into a full-blown fight, so it is important to try not to get emotionally involved.

When in doubt, ask a superior to help you resolve the issue. You may find that the situation can be resolved more quickly that way. You can also seek out mediation outside of your organization.

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Workplace Leadership: Getting ahead