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How to find a new career

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You have many options to help you succeed if you are looking for a new job. The first step is to create a plan. Consider your interests and strengths. Is there a field you are qualified for? Are you able to transfer your skills into another area?

Informational interviewing

Informational interviewing is a great way to find a new career. This can be a great method to get a job. It can also help you grow your network. According to statistics, around 80% job openings can be found via word-of–mouth referrals. By increasing your network, you can increase your chances of finding a job that fits your skills and interests. When conducting an informational interview, act like you're a businessperson, conduct yourself in a professional manner, and make it clear why you're seeking information.

Interviews are generally conducted by asking someone in an existing job about the work they do. It is often a former employer, or professor, who have experience in your field. These contacts can provide a wealth information that will help you decide if this is the right career path for you.

Take an aptitude exam

A talent test can be a great way for you to evaluate your personality and work preferences if you're thinking about a career change. For example, the Career Match Interest Test measures your personality, interests, communication, and team-building abilities. Based on this information, it can match you with over 1000 high-paying careers.

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Aptitude tests are a popular means of career assessment. These tests usually consist of a series questions that assess a person's ability or aptitude to perform specific tasks. The test also asks about a person's previous experience, educational background, and skills.

Identifying transferable abilities

It is crucial to recognize your transferable talents when looking for a new job. These skills will allow you to narrow down your options, and help you plan your career. Look through job descriptions and talk to industry experts to find these skills. Next, think about the skills you have displayed in the past.

Nearly every job requires that you use technology. You need to be able learn quickly new skills. Employers look for candidates who are willing to learn new skills. You can include transferable skills in your resume, cover letter, and interview.

Support from family and friends

Family and friends are important in helping you make a career transition. Your friends can help by sending a cover letter, reaching to contacts, and networking. They can also offer emotional support. It's important that you explain to your family and close friends why you are changing careers.

It can be difficult to inform loved ones of a career shift. The reactions of loved ones can make the transition harder or easier. Here are seven ways you can tell your friends and family about the new decision.

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Recognizing your work legacy is a sign that you need a new job.

If your career is feeling unfulfilling or stagnant, it may be time to make a change. Your skills and abilities may have been developed over many years in your current job. You might also have a strong professional network. This may make it difficult to change your career. This can also lead to you feeling sluggish and not interested in your work.

Taking a step back and thinking about your legacy can help you avoid making short-term decisions. It can also help you to avoid the temptation to make decisions that are not in the long-term interest of the organization.


How to find a new career