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The Best Jobs with No Degrees

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When you think of jobs without degrees, you might think of low-wage minimum-wage jobs, but there are some jobs without degrees that have higher earning potential. These jobs include executive assistants as well as radiation therapists, claims adjusters and Masons. Read on to learn about some of the most lucrative jobs without a degree.

Executive assistants

In the United States, there are many jobs that require no college degree, but that pay very well. Executive assistants make an average of $68,485 annually. They can also work as sales representatives and earn commissions.

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Radiation therapists

Radiation therapists have a high demand and don't require a four year college degree. A associate's degree will give you the education and experience required to be successful in this field. This job requires strong communication and critical thinking skills.

Claims adjusters

There are several options for aspiring adjusters without a degree, but the first step is to get a state license. You can earn a state license by completing an online course or live training session. You can also get continuing education credits for lecturing on the subject or publishing articles.


Masons are involved in building and laying blocks. It is physically demanding, but it also offers a high-paying job. They must have a high school diploma, as well as the ability to work with many materials.

Legal assistants

Many legal assistant positions don't require a college degree. However, formal training can give you a leg up, teaching you legal terminology and office skills. You may also be eligible to take a professional certification examination to boost your earning potential. Paralegals earn more, while legal assistants have fewer responsibilities and a lower salary.

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MRI technologist

A career as an MRI technician is a rewarding one that does not require a college degree. This job offers good compensation and only requires two years of training. While you might start working nights, you will soon be able work longer hours and get weekends off. You also have the opportunity to work in several hospitals and medical facilities.

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The Best Jobs with No Degrees