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What Is Career Development?

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Career development involves a lifelong learning process. Both employers and employees have a shared responsibility for career development. Career development includes a combination of personal and professional goals. It also aims to enhance employee motivation. Both employees and employers can facilitate it. It should be started early in life. It can take many forms but they all benefit.

Career development is an ongoing process of learning new skills and improving your existing skills.

Career development is a long-term process in which you choose a career and acquire new skills. It can be an intra-organizational process or an inter-organizational one. Career development can be achieved through self-assessment, matching your interests with available options, and/or by pursuing your passions.

Career development can also be facilitated by your employer. Employers invest in their employees by providing educational opportunities and training. Clear goals are essential for career advancement.

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It can increase employee motivation

Offering your employees opportunities to grow professionally is a great way to encourage them to be involved in the business' day-today operation. They are more confident in themselves and more engaged in their jobs. This results in them being more committed to their jobs, which will eventually lead to a better business performance.

Your company's bottom line can be improved by career development. Engaged employees are more productive, less likely quit, and less likely to get fired. However, understanding the individual's motivations is key to getting your employees engaged. Employees are most engaged when they do work that is aligned with their values, which is especially true of younger workers. Managers and employees can work together to fine-tune their roles and tasks to better align with their own values and desires.

Employers and employees share this responsibility

Career development is a shared responsibility between employers, employees, and the organizations that hire them. Career development programs provide employees with tools, information, and processes that promote long-term success. These resources can range from competency mapping tools to skill gaps assessments, from multimedia tools for on-the-go learning to sponsoring higher education.

Although career growth is an ongoing process for employees, they must also be involved and responsible for their professional development. Managers must identify skill gaps and provide support and motivation. To help employees achieve their goals, mentors are needed. The organization's role should be to foster a learning environment that is safe and progressive.

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It all starts at a young age

It is crucial to get started in career development as a young child. Young children are often exposed to people in different fields and might be curious about the field that interests them. Exploration and experimentation are key ingredients to success. These activities should be offered to young people, and they should also participate in community-based events to foster an interest.

Young people often find their passion early in the career development process and start to approach skills acquisition and coursework tentatively. They try different jobs and gain valuable work experience. They might eventually find the right career path.


What Is Career Development?