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How to request more work hours

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Know how to present your self if you are asking for more hours at work. To make a case for additional hours, focus on your strengths. You should also show up on time and find staff to cover shifts that you don't want to work.

More hours for work

Before you ask for additional hours, find out what your manager expects. A manager wants employees to be reliable, productive, and reliable. This means that he or she should expect you to work hard and show dedication to the company. It is important that you are punctual and have enthusiasm for your job. If necessary, be available to work overtime and on weekends.

Asking for more hours at the office should be done politely and in civil terms. Avoid putting your co-workers on the defensive. Asking for help is best when things are going smoothly. The tone of your voice can make a huge difference in whether you get the extra hours you request.

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Timely arrival

It is important to show up on time. This is one of the most neglected aspects of time management. Many people don't show up on time or aren't consistent because they don’t have a clear expectation of arriving at work on time. They work on everything that comes up, and don't plan for important work. Because of this, they often have a mountain work load when they leave for the office at five o'clock in the morning. Instead, pick a time of the day when you want leave work, then mark that time on your calendar. Next, set an alarm to your mobile phone. This will allow you to make a mental commitment that you will leave work on time.

Finding staff to cover shifts you don't want to work

You don't need to be able to cover shifts, or you don’t know anyone who can, it is easy to find staff that are willing to take over. But it is crucial to find someone who will work around your schedule. It's not enough to find someone who has already volunteered to cover; you need to be sure that they'll keep their word.

A schedule can help you decide who is available to fill in for shifts. This can save you time and help you avoid having employees not willing to work that shift. An example: You wouldn't ask an employee who only works open shifts to work on Tuesday. It's helpful to have a set time when employees will notify managers of any cancellations or other issues.

Communicate your request

It is essential to communicate with your manager in order for your request to be granted. Approaching your manager should be courteous and respectful. Please explain the reason behind your request. Also, state the benefits you would like to receive. It's also possible to share solutions from your job that would benefit the company. These ideas can be used by the manager to justify giving you additional hours.

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You need to know the expectations of your boss before asking for an increase in working hours. If you're requesting for additional hours after a certain time, it is important to state that the request is not urgent and should not be considered a time-sensitive matter. You should include examples and a backup plan in order to overcome obstacles.


How to request more work hours