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How to Avoid Burnout by Changing Your Career

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If you are experiencing burnout and need to do something about it, career-shifting may be the best option. Changes in jobs can help you regain your energy and make a difference in your life. Finding a new job is a good idea if your life feels stale. Once you find a job that promotes your health, well-being and happiness, you will feel a renewed sense for purpose and energy.

Find a mentor

There are many options when it comes to finding a mentor for your career change. First, determine the type of mentor you want and then research various mentorship programs. Once you know what you want from a mentor, you will find it easier to find someone who can support you in reaching your goals. You can also search online directories for mentors. Whatever your method, it doesn't matter what you do. It's important that you remain consistent and have clear expectations regarding the time and effort required to maintain the relationship.

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You are looking for a new opportunity

You don't have to give up on your dream job. Career switching can be difficult but not impossible if there are other options available. You may have spent hours browsing job boards and websites or even spoken with recruiters. In the hopes of receiving initial interviews, you may have sent your CV across several fields. However, the traditional job market isn't designed to accommodate career shifters. Your experience won't be as valuable as that of others, so you will likely face many other applicants.

Looking for a new company?

You should research the job market if you are looking to change careers. There are many avenues to research the field of your interest. These include informational interviews, comparing Indeed Salaries, and talking to people in the field. Recent research revealed that 40% of LinkedIn users switch their industry or company every four years. The reality is that most people don't want to be in the same job or are not aligned with their career goals. Fortunately, you can use current skills shortages to your advantage. High-demand roles are those that are in industries with growth, like Tech, Fintech, and life sciences.

Promoting your business

Although it can be hard to get promoted after career switch, it is not impossible. These are the things that will ensure your success. You should not make your personal situation a reason not to be promoted. Although the company may be concerned about your health, it will not use these personal circumstances to deny you a promotion. Instead, be focused on your work and honest about why the promotion isn't happening.

Financial insecurity

When thinking about changing careers, one of the biggest barriers to success is financial insecurity. Most people live well above their means, but don't have enough savings to cover unexpected costs. Others don't save much. Although it might be difficult to save enough, it is important to have a small emergency fund ready to pay for any unexpected expenses. It is important to be patient when you plan on changing careers.

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Discover your superpower

Finding your superpower, whether you are looking to change your career or simply shift your focus, can make all of the difference. It is easy to get stuck in a job that isn't rewarding or fulfilling. Use your superpowers to show your boss you are capable of doing things outside your comfort zone. This will increase your chances of being noticed and rewarded.


How to Avoid Burnout by Changing Your Career